Starfire Dance Company FAQ

Updated 7/23/23

We are excited you are interested in joining the Starfire Competitive Dance Team! Please read below for common questions and notes going into auditions:

How are Starfire members selected?
All members are selected through an audition process, with the first audition being $60. Dancers audition based upon age. Dancers with less experience may audition in a younger age division if approved. Some dancers may be called back for a second audition if they are being considered for additional groups. In this case, the second audition fee is $30. 

How is a dancer selected for particular groups?
Audition scores, height, age, ability and previous experience all play a part in determining routines for individual dancers. 

Can I limit the number of routines I am selected for?
This is always an option, and you select the range on the audition sign up form. Even if you select a number of dances (like 7+) that does not guarantee you will be in that many dances. Please keep in mind that groups are our priorities. Dancers who limit themselves in group selection WILL NOT be selected for a duet/trio and are NOT eligible for solos. This is all explained on the form as well.

What are my travel responsibilities if selected for Starfire?
The new season begins with the audition process. Following the selection, there are approximately 4 regional competitions and 1-2 national competitions per season for ALL Company members.  The dates and locations of the competitions will be released by November and are required for ALL Starfire dancers as specified.  If you miss a competition, the dancer will be removed from the choreography for the remainder of the year. Each dancer must be enrolled in KDA 5+ weekly classes, attend Midwest Movement (a summer dance camp located at Emporia State University) and any Master Classes. 

What should I plan concerning choreography practices?
Choreography usually begins in the fall and continues through March. Choreography weekends are REQUIRED and dancers may not be excused.The number of routines a dancer is involved in will determine how many practices you will have. Choreography dates are scheduled and given to you in advance. 

How much do I need to plan for competition costumes?
Plan on $200-$250 per costume. This is a guideline that we always try to stay around or under but it can vary. Costume deposits are due in November. They are $100 per costume. The balance is billed as soon as the costume is completed. 

What about costume accessories?
Basic costume accessories are a rhinestone choker and earrings. They are required for all competition dancers and you may purchase them at any time during the season. Advance purchase is always recommended. Any tights/fishnets/shoes are an additional expense to the costume and are not included in the above estimates. Dancers are also required to have the team shoes, warm ups and practice gear.

Are we responsible for instructor travel expenses?
Our studio charges a flat travel fee per year. This basically covers the mileage it takes to get the props to and from the competitions and small things (awards/parties) for the dancers each year.  We do not charge our dancers for staff expenses such as hotel rooms, food, etc. This is a flat fee of $100 per dancer for all Company members. This is something to put on your “pay early” list so it doesn’t hit at the same time as competition fees and costumes!

What are my required dance classes?
Starfire Dancers MUST attend KDA every week and be enrolled in the 5+ class schedule. Required classes are ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, technique & company class. Petite members are encouraged, but not required to participate in contemporary. Dancers may choose to take additional classes at their discretion.  The 4 core classes (3 for Petites) will be performed at recital along with Starfire dances. If a member is dual company, they may have more than 4 core classes. Only graduating seniors will perform their solos at our recital.

What about conflicts, whether school or family related?
All conflicts that cannot be avoided (weddings, graduations, etc.) should be emailed in immediately to the office as soon as you get them. We have a google calendar that keeps track of conflicts. If your approved conflict is not on the calendar, you will not be excused from any practices. We try to miss school conflicts the best we can. It is strongly suggested that you do not plan vacations until the competition/choreography schedule is announced as vacations will NOT be listed on the calendar as excused absences.  

When will I receive the competition schedule?
We try our best to have it out by November 1st.

How do you get a solo?
Select that you are interested in a solo when filling out the audition form.

What about choreography fees?
Choreography fees are charged per routine that the dancer is involved in. These fees are for actual choreography, instruction/blocking of choreography, as well as the travel and expenses of the choreographer. All choreography fees are due by October 1. Fees are as follows:

Line $75 per person ✰ Large Group $85 per person ✰ Small Group $95 per person

Duet/Trio $150 per person ✰ Solo $250 each

Is there an estimate for competition fees?
Competition fees vary per competition. The fees are based upon how many routines a dancer competes. All fees are calculated for you per competition and you will be notified when they are due. All competitions charge a studio entry fee that runs $15-$25 per dancer. Also new to this season are media fees. Most, if not all competitions are adding this to competition fees. Listed below are current rates but media fees have not been released yet, so look for these to increase. Media fees & studio fees are charges on top of entry fees. We also try to pay all of our entry fees by cashiers check to try and save the credit card service fees which saves you money as well. In order to do this we need everyone to pay their competition fees as soon as they are billed.  Listed below is an average guideline per competition:

Groups/Lines $67-$85 per person ✰ Duet/Trio $83-$85 per person
Solo $150-$160 per solo

What is the policy on prop fees?
If your dancer is in a routine that uses a prop, there will be a charge on your account per routine that uses that prop. This covers the materials and maintenance of the prop. Construction time is donated by our awesome prop dads.

What about hair, make-up and nails for competition?
Once costumes are selected, competition make-up and hair styles are chosen. You will receive notification on make-up to purchase from a local beauty counter or we may provide make up kits. Please refrain from dramatic trends/styles/colors with hair, makeup and nails. We go for a cohesive look as a team. Ideally, hair should be at least to your shoulders and no longer than your back bra strap. Nails should be bare (NO POLISH) or a french tip manicure. 

What happens if I miss class?
Dancers who have more than 2 UNEXCUSED absences will be at risk to be removed from the company. All instructors are considerate of school activities, however, it is YOUR responsibility to keep your instructor and the office informed in advance. Most Company dancers have REQUIRED classes at least 2 days per week. Each dancer is allotted 2 absences per month (example: 1 Monday, 1 Wednesday) If a dancer misses 2 Mondays in the same month, then 1 Monday becomes unexcused. This absence policy INCLUDES school activities. After 2 absences for illness (throughout the year), a doctor’s note will be required, The absence policy does not EXCLUDE anything. Any absence is counted no matter what the reason. Period.

What if I quit the team after choreography has begun?
If you choose to quit the team after we have started choreography, costume deposits and choreography fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. You will also not be allowed to audition the following year, depending on the circumstances.

If I make the team - what happens next?
You will have an approximate 12 month contract, extending from the date of auditions to the last day of Midwest Movement,  the dancer and parent will read and review together and accept the dances you were selected for! Breaking any terms of the contract may result in removal from the team.

Do you have a Payment Plan?
Yes! We can make an approximate estimate of the cost of your dance season. Once you have accepted the amount of routines that you have been selected for, we can create an estimate which will include monthly tuition, choreography fees, competition fees, competition costumes and recital costumes. We divide that amount by the months remaining with auto monthly billing. You can choose to make a payment once a month, or make several payments on the amount due throughout the month. It isn’t exact - but should get you pretty close. It is strongly suggested that you begin immediately in the month of August with payments. If you miss one month’s payment your account will switch to NET 30 and automatically be taken off of the payment plan.

What about Fundraisers?
Fundraisers are great! They vary each year that parents volunteer to put together and are always optional to participate in. We always welcome a great fundraiser - but ALL MUST BE APPROVED BY KARI BEFORE YOU CAN ATTACH THE STARFIRE NAME TO IT. If someone is doing a fundraiser we generally like to offer it to the entire team over individual fundraisers. 

Being a member of the Starfire Dance Company is an invaluable experience for your dancer. You are presenting your dancer with an opportunity to pursue their dance dreams in a positive way while providing them with excellent training in all areas of dance. Former Starfire dancers are now instructors, choreographers or studio owners, while others are working in the industry in places such as LA, New York & Las Vegas or as members of professional or college dance teams/groups. Even dancers who do not continue in the dance field, view their Starfire years with love and memories that will never be forgotten. We look forward to welcoming you into our STARFIRE family!! Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or concerns. Thank you!

Starfire Audition Day Quick Tips:

  • Dancers audition in at least 4 categories of dance: ballet, contemporary, tap and jazz along with jazz technique. Petites will audition in all of the above minus contemporary. Please be sure to bring all dance shoes needed. They can wear the same outfits for all dances, or they may choose to change with each one showing us a bit of their style and personality. Ballet attire & bun is required for ballet tryouts only.

  • Stage make-up is suggested, but not required for auditions.

  • Auditions are CLOSED. There are no observers allowed for auditions. Parents must drop their dancer at the door. Dancers are NOT allowed upstairs in the hallway or lounge during tryouts. The downstairs lounge will be open for those that are auditioning.

  • Returning dancers with an outstanding bill will NOT be allowed to audition.

  • Auditioning dancers should come prepared with an ALL black outfit for photos.

  • Ending times will be based upon the number of auditioning dancers. Be sure to bring a water bottle, snacks and be ready to stay all day! There will be an hour lunch break for auditions that begin in the morning. You are welcome to leave to have lunch or stay downstairs. Please remember to pick up ALL trash when you leave for the day!

  • Parents: Watch social media and we will try to keep you up-to-date on possible ending times!

  • Callbacks are for dancers who may be considered for additional Companies. Callbacks are $30 and MUST be paid before the next audition. Callbacks will be posted on social media at the end of that audition day.

  • PLEASE, DO NOT contact judges or staff for score information. If you have questions or concerns, please EMAIL them to to be addressed.

  • All scores and comments will be available in your information packet once all auditions are complete.

  • Be sure that your registration is completed online in advance of the audition.